Find out which sport verticle is most suitable for you and get personal careeer guidance by sports Industry expert.A combination of assessment and counselling to make a successful career in the sports industry.
The greatest challenge to form a successful career in the sports management industry is to know what opportunities lie in the industry and where you fit into the industry. Our program tells you just that. The SPORSCORR assessment aims to understand the width and depth of their passion for sport, and your current knowledge and understanding of roles and gives you an objective and scientific analysis of the job verticals suited for you in the industry.
SPORSCONSLT is a 1:1 exclusive session with a sports industry expert which provides you invaluable guidance and analysis of your aspirations with the information available through the SPORSCORR report.
• SPORSCORR: A smart assessment which consists of 3 sections, Passion Proficiency and Personality. Time – 60-90 mins
• SPORCONSLT : Exclusive 1:1 session with a sports industry expert. Time – 90 mins
• Eligibility – Graduate
• Certification: Certificate of Completion